We came from the far Japan to Virginia!
All the members of Zoukei-Mura SWS Development Team are in front of our booth.
Finally, the huge American hobby event opens today! We are so happy!!
From August 6th to 9th, 10 members of the Zoukei-Mura team came all the way from Japan in order to attend during 4 days the IPMS-USA National Convention on its astounding 50th anniversary, an event where modeling enthusiasts all over USA get together.
I would like to dedicate the following several entries in this blog to talk about our experience at the event.
All of you living in the north hemisphere are still getting through the heat of late summer. Please have fun reading this entry and I hope it makes you feel as if you were there at the IPMS Virginia.
We are the first coming to the deserted venue!
Ho!! Our Chris is already warming up before the booth set up!! Oh, no he's just opening his arms. You don't like it complicated, don't you Chris? Well from now on there's a lot of job to do!
Next to Chris, the booth set up has really begun. Place the large tables, lay the clothes on…..everything is going just like we planned in Japan. This is just the beginning of the huge job we'll be doing for the next half of the day!!
The overhyped member of Development team, Mr. N! His excitement for having been at the Smithsonian to collect new information is still here from the day earlier. When I see this kind of tension I'm nicely worried, thinking of what the next SWS kit may become……Go Mr. N!
And here, on this big table, we prepare the lottery box for the survey. Results: like never before since Volks started to have a booth, we had 200 replies! Thank you very much!! Congratulations to those who win! Sorry if you didn't make it.
Oh my god, this is my master! My wife has been helping us too!! Well she has to check her husband's behavior…. I'm kidding. She's just participating as you can see. Checking out how we 're working our fingers to the bone!
Few hours later. Zoukei-Mura's booth is almost complete! Jet-lag is actually hurting now. Everybody feels like this or that is missing, like something has been left at home… The air coming from the strong air conditioner to the concrete floor hits again and again. My legs and my back are starting to ache. Anyway I don't get why everyone seems to be fine with this cold.
WOW!! This time the hall was really HUUUUGEEEE!
Unlike other past IPMS events which were held at hotels' halls decorated with gorgeous carpets, this time the event was held in an immense convention center worthy of an exposition venue, with grey concrete walls and brightest illumination lighting up every corner straight from the ceiling.
Furthermore, our Zoukei-Mura booth was the biggest of all the model kit manufacturer exhibiting! We could not help but feeling nervous.
And maybe because of this, the IPMS staff especially granted us permission to be the first to enter the hall in order to make all the preparations.
Thanks a lot to the IPMS Virginia's staff.
Fortunately, we managed to get all the Zoukei-Mura booth setting ready just in time for the opening!!
Even now I still remember the dry reverberation of the sound that our members made as they were setting up the booth in a yet empty venue.
But even before we put our feet on the venue, we had already sent our development team to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum to gather information on real airplanes.
Although we were suffering from a terrific jet lag on this day, none of our members showed symptoms of fatigue and did their best. I felt like being surrounded by samurai warriors. There was something very captivating on the way they looked.
After all, we were moved by the satisfaction of seeing our modeling enthusiasts happy!!
With lightning speed our crew members moved like ninjas and they got the booth setting in the blink of an eye.
We had on display all the popular SWS kits we brought with us all the way from distant Japan: 1/32 new Horten, as well as Shinden, Ta 152, Mustang, Skyraider, Uhu and Raiden kits.
The highly anticipated Shinden and Ta 152 in 1:48 scale, as well as after parts for each kit, diorama bases for display, modeling tools and concept notes were piled up mountain-high. An incredible one-of-a-kind scenery!
Wait, you think that we brought too many kits?!
Well, forget this for a while, since the American modelers and fans would be satisfied with our booth, products and the reception of our staff!
Although we have done this many times in the past, we were being overwhelmed by a sour-sweet sensation in our chests, a complex mix of fear, anxiety and expectation.
Finally the doors open at 2 O'clock!!
The 50th IPMS Virginia kicks off!
Already so many people lined up! Look at this! As you could expect, 99% of the attendants are nice old man. Well I am one those too. My wife and my second son don't seem to enjoy that peaceful scene, but I know they're actually envious.
Hey hey, just the time to start and we already have this line at Zoukei-mura's booth, as always. The line continued for a long, long way from here. Thank you to all the people who purchased! Sorry to all of you who couldn't.
You're the first one in the world to get the Horten! Thank you! Congratulations! Your dream is my dream. Your happiness is my happiness!! Now don't leave this kit on you table, just start building it! Make an awesome job!
Oooh, you got it too!! Well done!! SWS Horten, the mysterious flying wing. Surely it's going to be like an adventure, a thrill for all of you expert modelers. From tonight, pleasant restless nights will start!!
The line still continues! I'm seriously thinking we should have prepared more kits to satisfy everyone at this event!! But this was all we could do. Zoukei-Mura is still a small maker; please keep supporting us from now on.
SWS kit is what I want, made the way I want, in other words, something made by a fan for the fans. Once a fascinating kit like this appears in the world, you just can get addicted.
SWS kit is what I want, made the way I want, in other words, something made by a fan for the fans. Once a fascinating kit like this appears in the world, you just can get addicted.
Hooo!! Hordes of fans coming in!!
One comes after another… But where will they go first!?
My anxiety peaked and I freaked out! But suddenly my fears are swept away as a long line started forming in front of our Zoukei-Mura booth!!
WOW Amazing!! So many fans ran toward our booth located at the very back of the hall. Half of me was filled with joy and the other half with amazement.
I wish I could show you this.
Simply an unforgettable moment in my life!!
- Everyone was saying:
- "Do you have the Horten! The Horten!!
- "I want the 1/48 Ta 152" etc.
- Happy sounding voices that I could hear.
- And plenty of smiley faces that I could see.
I felt like all the tiredness and worries that I gathered so far just faded away by looking at all these happy faces.
- People standing in the front row seemed already sure to get their favorites.
- "Let's make it quick! Zoukei-Mura!"
- "Don't forget my Ta 152"
- And things like these, time by time pleasantly turned into cheering phrases.
- To my ears:
- "Good on you! Zoukei-Mura!"
- "Well done, Zoukei-Mura!!"
- "Keep it up, Zoukei-Mura"
- And other nice words were all I could hear.
Since I don't speak English, all I can do is guess what those words could actually mean.
Then, could you get in the line?
Well, before coming here we had so many requests about the Horten's pre-release, and we brought all the stocks we had but we saw it going sold out in a while.
For the people who could attend only the second, the third or the final day, this event should have gone for them without having a chance to take a look at the Horten kit.
We Zoukei-Mura have no excuses for this!
Consequently, we decided to split the available quantity of kits into four batches, and have a limited sale every morning during the 4 days of the event.
I'll tell that on the opening day, the first 20 kits of the Horten were sold out in the first 10 minutes!
Thank you so much to all of you for your purchase!!
We're really sad that we ran out of items and some people couldn't get their kit.
Please forgive Zoukei-Mura for this time.
SWS 1/32 Horten's Japanese release is scheduled for October.
Delivery to our Friend Shops around the world is scheduled for November. Please be patient for the moment.
I'll tell you with the next entry what happened during the event and within our Zoukei-Mura booth.
See you next time, for the Second Episode of IPMS 50th Anniversary Event in Virginia!!
Hideyuki Shigeta
President, Zoukei-Mura
↓ Please don't hesitate to use the submission form below ↓

"1/48 Ta 152" is now available too!!
Now in 1/48 size, how far developed is SWS Ta 152? How has it changed from previously released 1/32 kit?
We made a wonderful kit that will not disappoint 1/48 kit collectors!
This is the first attempt to show you the 3D drawings of SWS Do 335.
What do you think about this? As compared to 1/32 Horten, obviously Do 335 makes a big difference!!
With this 3D drawing, this SWS kit is recreated as the way it is.
From the fuselage structure and the reproduction of each part, to the precise description of the mechanical movements of the plane, the development of this SWS kit is currently moving forward.
However, this is just a 3D drawing. From now, we will do more historical researches, and add more detailed description about each part as we can. We seek a recreation of the assembly process that will give you the fun as if you are creating the real aircraft.
We, the development team keep working hard to complete the final investigation in order to make this kit good enough to be part of your collection.
Please be a little bit more patient!!
While waiting for the day when the SWS Do 335 is released, please enjoy building the Ho229.
Our only hope is your patience and your judgment as a modeler.
Through the SWS kit style, the entire "Do 335" is finally recreated!
From the DB 603 A traction engine to the cockpit, and from the tank fuels to the internal structure and the propulsion engine, you will enter into a world of building where you will feel as you are recreating the real "Do 335"!
The model-making world of 1/32 scale kits has moved so far!
For both, the expert modelers who built SWS kits many times and the new modelers who have never tried before, SWS Do 335 is the best recommended kit.
Luftwaffe Heavy Fighter 1/32 Do335 is also diligently under development in order to make one of the best SWS kits!!
This will be a breathtaking kit too!! Look forward to it!!
Archives: The Old Man Blog
- The Old Man Blog No.136No way! has become a real thing?! Ho 229 B has finally entered the final stage of development!
- The Old Man Blog No.135It's been a while, hello SWS brothers~~~~~
- The Old Man Blog No.134Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Imperial Japanese Navy fighter aircraft SHINDEN: Episode 2
- The Old Man Blog No.133Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Imperial Japanese Navy fighter aircraft SHINDEN: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.132Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Siegfried Schnell: Last Episode (Final Outfitting)
- The Old Man Blog No.131Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Siegfried Schnell: Episode 4 (Assembling main wings and fuselage, engine mounting and main landing gear)
- The Old Man Blog No.130Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Siegfried Schnell: Episode 3 (Fuselage Assembly)
- The Old Man Blog No.129Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Siegfried Schnell: Episode 2 (Cockpit)
- The Old Man Blog No.128Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Siegfried Schnell: Episode 1 (Engine)
- The Old Man Blog No.127For the first time in three years! Zoukei-Mura participated in IPMS Texas San Marcos in the U.S.!
- The Old Man Blog No.126Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 3: HEINKEL He 219 A-0 Uhu Last Part
- The Old Man Blog No.125Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 3: HEINKEL He 219 A-0 Uhu 2nd
- The Old Man Blog No.124Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 3: HEINKEL He 219 A-0 Uhu
- The Old Man Blog No.123Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 2: Lats Part
- The Old Man Blog No.122Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 2: 2nd
- The Old Man Blog No.121Enjoy the best part of SWS kit with the instruction manual Part 2
- The Old Man Blog No.120The instruction manual for the SWS 1/32 "Bf 109 G-14/U14" is completed!! Part 5
- The Old Man Blog No.119The instruction manual for the SWS 1/32 "Bf 109 G-14/U14" is completed!! Part 4
- The Old Man Blog No.118The instruction manual for the SWS 1/32 "Bf 109 G-14/U14" is completed!! Part 3
- The Old Man Blog No.117The instruction manual for the SWS 1/32 "Bf 109 G-14/U14" is completed!! Part 2
- The Old Man Blog No.116The instruction manual (Japanese version) for the SWS 1/32 "Bf 109 G-14/U14" is completed!! Part 1
- The Old Man Blog No.115Thank you very much for the pre-orders from all over the world!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.114With Engines Roaring!!
- The Old Man Blog No.113Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of SWS!! Thank you for supporting our 35 releases!!
- The Old Man Blog No.112I Hope You’re Doing Well, My SWS Brothers!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.111Your Pre-Ordered Limited-Edition F-4EJ Kai "Phantom Forever 2020" Kit is Coming to You Soon!!
- The Old Man Blog No.110SWS F-4EJ Kai "Phantom Forever 2020" is SOLD OUT via Pre-Order!!! Thank you for all of your pre-orders!!
- The Old Man Blog No.1091/48 F-4EJ Kai Celebrating 10 Years of SWS Thank you all for your early pre-orders!!
- The Old Man Blog No.10810th Anniversary of SWS Kits: The First Commemorative Kit Revealed!!
- The Old Man Blog No.107What's up, SWS fans?!?
- The Old Man Blog No.106We Went to SMC in Telford!!
- The Old Man Blog No.105Let’s Meet at SMW in Telford!!
- The Old Man Blog No.104We’re back from IPMS Nationals in Chattanooga!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.103A Big Hello to All of My SWS Brothers!!
- The Old Man Blog No.102Welcome to the Zoukei-Mura Booth at IPMS Telford! Thank you for purchasing the 1/32 Toryu!!
- The Old Man Blog No.101We went to IPMS Phoenix!! Plus an Exciting Quiz: Guess the Next SWS Airplane!!
- The Old Man Blog No.100Have you got F-4J Marines?
- The Old Man Blog No.099The long-awaited F-4 D, finally available from February 17th (Sat)!!
- The Old Man Blog No.098SWS Brothers from UK & Europe!! Thank you very much!!
- The Old Man Blog No.097The autumn show of hobby world is about to begin!!
- The Old Man Blog No.096We've been here!! Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.095 We went to IPMS Nationals in Omaha!! (Part 2)
- The Old Man Blog No.094 We went to IPMS Nationals in Omaha!! (Part 1)
- The Old Man Blog No.093 Already the beginning of summer?!! But while I was silent, the new release of the F-4S got closer!!
- The Old Man Blog No.092 Happy New Year 2017!
- The Old Man Blog No.091 Greetings for the end of 2016
- The Old Man Blog No.090 Thanks for the instant sell-out!
- The Old Man Blog No.089 SWS F-4J finally ready for its pre-release at the IPMS Telford!!
- The Old Man Blog No.088 The Giant of the Jet-fighters F-4: the Answer from Zoukei-mura - Part 4
- The Old Man Blog No.087 The Giant of the Jet-fighters F-4: the Answer from Zoukei-mura - Part 3
- The Old Man Blog No.086 The Giant of the Jet-fighters F-4: the Answer from Zoukei-mura - Part 2
- The Old Man Blog No.085 The Giant of the Jet-fighters F-4: the Answer from Zoukei-mura - Part 1
- The Old Man Blog No.084 We went to the IPMS Columbia!!
- The Old Man Blog No.083 Hey! Just like I said!! With the SWS kit, you can understand this far the Do 335's secrets!
- The Old Man Blog No.082 SWS Do 335 Thank you for all the reservations we received from all over the world!!
- The Old Man Blog No.081 So, let's build the Do 335!! Last Episode.
- The Old Man Blog No.080 So, let's build the Do 335!! Episode No.5: "this time let me introduce you the work on the main wings!!"
- The Old Man Blog No.079 So, let's build the Do 335!! Episode No.4: "this time I introduce you the work on the main wings!!"
- The Old Man Blog No.078 So, let's build the Do 335!! Episode No.3: "the cockpit is awesome too".
- The Old Man Blog No.077 So, let's build the Do 335!! Episode No.2: "how to build the DB 603 engine".
- The Old Man Blog No.076 So, let's build the Do 335!!
- The Old Man Blog No.075 The soul of a reciprocating engine is finally here!!
- The Old Man Blog No.074 IPMS Telford 2015 Event Report: Episode 3
- The Old Man Blog No.073 IPMS Telford 2015 Event Report: Episode 2
- The Old Man Blog No.072 IPMS Telford 2015 Event Report: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.071 The Old Man's meddling!!
- The Old Man Blog No.070 Here we go!! IPMS Telford 2015 is about to start!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.069 We went to the IPMS Nationals in Ohio!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.068 Come, SWS brothers!
- The Old Man Blog No.067 What is the rear taste of building a kit?
- The Old Man Blog No.066 One of the plastic model kits' tastes (the current taste)
- The Old Man Blog No.065 Spring time! Hobby season has come!!
- The Old Man Blog No.064 Thank you for the pictures of your finished SWS kits!
- The Old Man Blog No.063 Presentation of the finished SWS Horten kit!! 2nd Part!!
- The Old Man Blog No.062 Presentation of the finished SWS Horten kit!!
- The Old Man Blog No.061 The indispensable tools of the Old Man!
- The Old Man Blog No.060 Urgent Notice for all of you who purchased our SWS 1/32 Horten kit!
- The Old Man Blog No.059 IPMS Telford 2014 Event Report: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.058 SWS Horten finally spreads its wing and flies in to the big sky!
- The Old Man Blog No.057 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 4
- The Old Man Blog No.056 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 3
- The Old Man Blog No.055 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 2
- The Old Man Blog No.054 IPMS Virginia 2014 Event Report: Episode 1
- The Old Man Blog No.053 Zoukei-Mura finally headed to IPMS Virginia!
- The Old Man Blog No.052 Development status for SWS HORTEN Kit Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.051 Development status for SWS HORTEN Kit Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.050 Want to see more of HORTEN!!
- The Old Man Blog No.049 The first test shot of SWS Ho 229 is finally getting here!!
- The Old Man Blog No.048 Welcome to JOINT FESTIVAL of our company that will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Volks Inc!!
- The Old Man Blog No.047 IPMS Telford 2013 Event Report
- The Old Man Blog No.046 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 3
- The Old Man Blog No.045 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 2
- The Old Man Blog No.044 IPMS Colorado 2013 Event Report 1
- The Old Man Blog No.043 The so long-awaited Japanese aircraft episode is starting
- The Old Man Blog No.042 Finally, the long-awaited SWS kit, "He 219 Uhu," has started shipping, in order by reservation!
- The Old Man Blog No.041 The final production prototype for SWS No. 6 Uhu is done
- The Old Man Blog No.040 Cockpit Assembly
- The Old Man Blog No.039 We went this year, as well!! The Nurnberg Toy Fair in Germany!!
- The Old Man Blog No.038 For all of our SWS fans and Uhu fans, I have an apology and an announcement!
- The Old Man Blog No.037 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part3
- The Old Man Blog No.036 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.035 IPMS Telford 2012 Event Report: Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.034 The Opening Day of IPMS Telford is Finally Getting Closer!!
- The Old Man Blog No.033 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Final Part
- The Old Man Blog No.032 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Part2
- The Old Man Blog No.031 Event Report from IPMS Florida 2012, Part1
- The Old Man Blog No.030 Delivering Your Hopes along with My Dreams
- The Old Man Blog No.029 Finally, the SWS Mustang will Take Flight!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.028 The Pre-Order Deadline for the P-51D Mustang is Coming Soon!
- The Old Man Blog No.027 SWS Mustang! Long-Awaited Pre-Order Period Finally Started!!
- The Old Man Blog No.026 Delivering the SWS Mustang to All of You Around the World!!
- The Old Man Blog No.025 I Want to Make the Most Beautiful Mustang through the SWS!!
- The Old Man Blog No.024 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #4
- The Old Man Blog No.023 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #3
- The Old Man Blog No.022 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #2
- The Old Man Blog No.021 Event Report from IPMS in Telford, UK #1
- The Old Man Blog No.020 Is Your SKYRAIDER Already Home?!
- The Old Man Blog No.019 Thank You for Waiting!! Your SKYRAIDER is Finally Coming Home!!
- The Old Man Blog No.018 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 3
- The Old Man Blog No.017 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 2
- The Old Man Blog No.016 Took a Trip!! To IPMS "Omaha By The Sea"!!! Part 1
- The Old Man Blog No.015 Package design has reached its final stage!!
- The Old Man Blog No.014 The 'R3350 Engine' and the 'Cockpit' are complete!!
- The Old Man Blog No.013 Japan and the Japanese will recover, once again!!
- The Old Man Blog No.012 SKYRAIDER Test Model 1 Debut, Part 2!!
- The Old Man Blog No.011 The SWS SKYRAIDER will fly over the sky of Nurnberg!
- The Old Man Blog No.010 Is Your Ta 152 Being Brought Up Happily!!??
- The Old Man Blog No.009 The time that Ta 152 fans worldwide have been waiting and waiting for has finally arrived.
- The Old Man Blog No.008 Finally, it's just before the release of the Ta 152!! At last it goes to you!!
- The Old Man Blog No.007 Scale Model Reproduction Must Start with Your Gut Feeling! Is What I've Really Come to Believe.
- The Old Man Blog No.006 Ta 152 Means Wings!!
- The Old Man Blog No.005 Forgive Me, Brothers-in-Arms! At This Point, Just Let Me Announce It~!!!
- The Old Man Blog No.004 Also,The Engine Known As Jumo 213E Is Amazing!!
- The Old Man Blog No.003 This Ta 152 H-1 is Amazing!!
- The Old Man Blog No.002 Using plastic, that magicalmaterial,I want to create a real airplane!
- The Old Man Blog No.001 Passion for the Product Launch Process